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Invite users
Every user in TimeCamp Planner has permission to invite new team members. Depending on the account role some functionalities may be limited, such as Workspace Setting available only to workspace Administrators. We provide a few different ways to in...
Roles and permissions
After inviting new team members you can set their system roles and assign job titles.   Roles will help to limit access to some permissions, such as Workspace Settings or Subscription menu, and job titles could be useful to organize users into team...
Workspace Owner
A person who created the workspace will be defined as the Workspace Owner. Only one user can be set as a Workspace Owner If you decide to leave a workspace make sure to transfer the ownership first. To transfer the ownership navigate to the Works...
Guest is a special role designated for external clients/colleagues. If you want to collaborate with someone only on a specific project and not grant access to the rest of your projects and team members - this solution is for you. Guests will only...
Disable users
If you would like to remove users from your workspace you can disable their account in Workspace Settings Only Administrators can disable users. To do that simply click on the Workspace Settings button on the left side menu and search for the ...