Profile Settings
Profile settings allow users to change their email address, password, profile picture, or even delete an account.
To access profile settings click on your name on the left side menu and choose the Edit profile option from the menu.
You'll be redirected to Profile settings where you can find the following options:
Full name - a full name visible on your account. Click on the field and start inputting a new name to edit it. Changes will be saved automatically.
Nickname - a shortcut other users can use to mention you in projects. Click on the field and start inputting a new nickname to edit it. Changes will be saved automatically.
Email address - click on the field and start inputting a new address to edit it. Changes will be saved automatically.
Avatar - to upload a new profile picture click on the "Update your avatar" button and upload a photo, import it from Gravatar or optionally stay with initials without uploading a picture.
Language - each user can select the language of their account. Currently, we support translations to English, French, Polish, and Hungarian.
Password - to update your password click on the "Change password" button and input your current password, a new password and confirm a new password.
Delete account - each user can decide to delete their account. This action can't be undone and data will be removed permanently from the system.
If you're the Workspace Owner please transfer the ownership before deleting an account or make sure that no active users are left in the Workspace.
In addition, you can navigate to the Personal Preferences section where you'll find extra settings for notifications and chat retention.
Learn more about the Notifications and Chat section.